Read the text “Three Different Team Games”. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?A game of ice hockey is played by two teams and takes sixty minutes. Each team has twenty players, but only six from each team play on the ice at the same time. They are five skaters and a goalkeeper. The idea is to hit the puck or small round black ball with a stick and to get it in the other team’s goal. At the end of the game the team with the most goals wins.Water polo is a team watersport. It’s like basketball, football and hockey in the water and the players don’t stop moving! They cannot stand in the pool. Players use one hand and swim with the ball. Each team has six players and one goalkeeper. The winner is the team with the most goals.Shinty is a team game like hockey and ice hockey. A game takes ninety minutes and there are twelve players in each team. Each player has a stick and they try to hit the small ball into the other team’s goal. They cannot use their hands or arms.---------------------------------------------------------------------------In ice hockey only six players in each team play at the same time.

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  • True
  • False

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    • True
    • False

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