3. Complete the sentences with the correct past simple or past continuous form 1 Dan __________ football on the beach yesterday when he fell and broke his arm. 2 Sally got up, had a quick shower, then _________ to school. 3 Joe ________a photo of a rhino while we were travelling across Africa. 4 Harriet went to the party last night but she ______________ early. 5 While he ____________________ at the campsite, Jim met Fiona.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • 1 played 2 run 3 took 4 left 5 was staying
  • 1 was playing 2 run 3 took 4 left 5 was staying
  • 1 was playing 2 run 3 was taking 4 left 5 was staying
  • 1 was playing 2 running 3 took 4 left 5 was staying

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • 1 played 2 run 3 took 4 left 5 was staying
    • 1 was playing 2 run 3 took 4 left 5 was staying
    • 1 was playing 2 run 3 was taking 4 left 5 was staying
    • 1 was playing 2 running 3 took 4 left 5 was staying

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