Mark the correct answer (Позначте правильну відповідь):Non-defining relative clauses are in the sentence ...

Варіанти відповідей:
  • "The contestants (учасники) of the programme "The Generation Game"are the pairs of people w h o are from different generations oh the same family (aunt &"
  • nephew
  • mother &
  • daughter).
  • "In the last round the two pairs w h o won the first two rounds of the programme "The Generation Game" play against each other."
  • "Expert of the programme "The Generation Game" w h o have shown the contestants (учасники) how to do the activities then give them scores."
  • "Правильна відповідь---The prizes of the programme "The Generation Game", w h i c h include sports equipment, televisions, toys, vases, holidays, etc, pass in frount of the pair on a conveyor belt (конвеєрна стрічка)."

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • "The contestants (учасники) of the programme "The Generation Game"are the pairs of people w h o are from different generations oh the same family (aunt &"
    • nephew
    • mother &
    • daughter).
    • "In the last round the two pairs w h o won the first two rounds of the programme "The Generation Game" play against each other."
    • "Expert of the programme "The Generation Game" w h o have shown the contestants (учасники) how to do the activities then give them scores."
    • "Правильна відповідь---The prizes of the programme "The Generation Game", w h i c h include sports equipment, televisions, toys, vases, holidays, etc, pass in frount of the pair on a conveyor belt (конвеєрна стрічка)."

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