What is true about the Christmas Tree?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • The Christmas tree in Soho Square is presented every year by the people of Oslo, in gratitude for London's assistance during World War II.
  • The Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square is presented every year by the people of Oslo, in gratitude for London's assistance during World War II.
  • The Christmas tree in Parliament Square is presented every year by the people of Oslo, in gratitude for London's assistance during World War II.
  • The Christmas tree in Leicester Square is presented every year by the people of Oslo, in gratitude for London's assistance during World War II.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • The Christmas tree in Soho Square is presented every year by the people of Oslo, in gratitude for London's assistance during World War II.
    • The Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square is presented every year by the people of Oslo, in gratitude for London's assistance during World War II.
    • The Christmas tree in Parliament Square is presented every year by the people of Oslo, in gratitude for London's assistance during World War II.
    • The Christmas tree in Leicester Square is presented every year by the people of Oslo, in gratitude for London's assistance during World War II.

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