3 Complete the sentences with extreme adjectives.1 Our hotel room was _________. There was just room for a bed and a wardrobe. It was one ofthe smallest rooms I’ve ever seen.2 It was _______when we were at the beach yesterday. The temperature was nearly 40degrees!3 She was so happy when she got a new bike for her birthday. She was ______with it. It’sexactly what she wanted.4 The food in the restaurant was ________. It was so bad that none of us finished our meals.I’m never going there again.5 The film was _________! I couldn’t sleep after seeing it because I was so scared.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • 1 tiny2 boiling3 delighted4 terrifying5 awful
  • 1 tiny2 boiling3 terrifying4 awful5 delighted
  • 1 tiny2 boiling3 delighted4 awful5 terrifying

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    • 1 tiny2 boiling3 delighted4 terrifying5 awful
    • 1 tiny2 boiling3 terrifying4 awful5 delighted
    • 1 tiny2 boiling3 delighted4 awful5 terrifying

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