What advice does Mr. Bennet give to Elizabeth regarding Mr. Darcy's proposal?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • Mr. Bennet advises Elizabeth to marry Mr. Darcy if she truly loves him and believes it will bring her happiness.
  • Mr. Bennet advises Elizabeth to marry Mr. Wickham if she truly loves him and believes it will bring her happiness.
  • Mr. Bennet advises Elizabeth to marry Mr. Сollins to keep the family estate of Bennets if she truly loves her family.
  • Mr. Bennet advises Elizabeth to marry Mr. Bingley if she truly loves him, and believes it will bring happiness to the whole family.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • Mr. Bennet advises Elizabeth to marry Mr. Darcy if she truly loves him and believes it will bring her happiness.
    • Mr. Bennet advises Elizabeth to marry Mr. Wickham if she truly loves him and believes it will bring her happiness.
    • Mr. Bennet advises Elizabeth to marry Mr. Сollins to keep the family estate of Bennets if she truly loves her family.
    • Mr. Bennet advises Elizabeth to marry Mr. Bingley if she truly loves him, and believes it will bring happiness to the whole family.

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