Read and choose the correct answer.V. There are several birds, once common, that have died out in the last few hundred years, so that now not one of them exists. The dodo was quite common on the island of Mauritius 300 years ago, but there is not one alive today. It was easy prey to animals new to the island, because it could not fly on its small wings. In New Zealand there used to be birds called moas, which were twice as high as the biggest man. They have all died out. The great auk, which used to come in thousands to the shores of Newfoundland, is another bird that has died out in the last few hundred years.A. This story is mainly about -

Варіанти відповідей:
  • animals that have died out.
  • birds that have died out.
  • why birds have died out.
  • where birds that have died out lived.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • animals that have died out.
    • birds that have died out.
    • why birds have died out.
    • where birds that have died out lived.

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