The Ancient Roman Vigiles Urbani The Roman Emperor Augustus wanted to protect Rome from danger. ..................... So, Augustus created the Vigiles Urbani, the ‘watchmen of the city’ to do these two jobs. The Vigiles, however, received pay and could earn Roman citizenship after six years of work.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • Some Vigiles were even trained as doctors.
  • They ensured that citizens kept a supply of water on an upper floor.
  • They also served as the city’s police force.
  • Up until then, slaves had always done them.
  • He had decided that Rome needed professional fire fighters and an organised police force.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • Some Vigiles were even trained as doctors.
    • They ensured that citizens kept a supply of water on an upper floor.
    • They also served as the city’s police force.
    • Up until then, slaves had always done them.
    • He had decided that Rome needed professional fire fighters and an organised police force.

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