Варіанти відповідей:
  • Most immigrants, realizing that America offered a better life than the one he left behind, tried to defend his rights without keeping to all the demands of a new society
  • Each immigrant, realizing that America offered a better life than the one he left behind, contributed to the American culture but did not seek to differentiate himself from it.
  • None of the immigrants, realizing that America offered a better life than the one he left behind, contributed to the American culture, but vise versa tried to seek how to differentiate themselves from it.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • Most immigrants, realizing that America offered a better life than the one he left behind, tried to defend his rights without keeping to all the demands of a new society
    • Each immigrant, realizing that America offered a better life than the one he left behind, contributed to the American culture but did not seek to differentiate himself from it.
    • None of the immigrants, realizing that America offered a better life than the one he left behind, contributed to the American culture, but vise versa tried to seek how to differentiate themselves from it.

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