Choose the correct answer:III. Long ago, people living where the weather was always warm never dreamed that there were such things as snow and ice. People living where the weather was always cold did not imagine that, elsewhere, oranges and grapes grew in the warm sunshine, colorful birds flew like living rainbows amidst the trees, and dragonflies danced like winged rubies in the warm air.A. This story is mainly about -

Варіанти відповідей:
  • how people, long ago, did not know much about other parts of the world.
  • snow and ice in the North and fruit, birds, and insects in the South.
  • the differences in weather in the world.
  • the pleasures of fruit, birds, and colorful insects.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • how people, long ago, did not know much about other parts of the world.
    • snow and ice in the North and fruit, birds, and insects in the South.
    • the differences in weather in the world.
    • the pleasures of fruit, birds, and colorful insects.

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