Complete the sentences with adjectives formed from the nouns. There is one word you don’t need:Nouns: crisp grease juice salt smell1 There’s too much oil on these chips – they’re really ___________ .2 Mmm, this orange is lovely and ___________ .3 That fish has been in the fridge for three days now – it’s really_________ !4 Cook the meat until it’s nice and ______________ on the outside but still soft inside.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • juicy 2.greasy 3. smellie 4. crispy
  • greasy 2. juicy 3. smelly 4. crispy
  • crispsy 2.smelly 3.greasy 4. juicy
  • crispsy 2. greasy 3. juicy 4.smelly

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • juicy 2.greasy 3. smellie 4. crispy
    • greasy 2. juicy 3. smelly 4. crispy
    • crispsy 2.smelly 3.greasy 4. juicy
    • crispsy 2. greasy 3. juicy 4.smelly

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