Read and choose the correct answer.III. Why does oil not mix well with water? We know that water mixes well with water. If you add hot water to cold water, you soon have lukewarm water. Alcohol, too, mixes well with water. Alcohol and water are quite similar. Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen, whereas alcohol is composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Why do oil and water not mix well? The reason is that they are not similar. The molecules of water, that is, the tiny pieces of water that include oxygen and hydrogen, are very small, whereas the molecules of oil are, by comparison, enormous and very different in their composition.D. A molecule of water is -

Варіанти відповідей:
  • bigger than a molecule of oil
  • composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.
  • similar to a molecule of oil.
  • a very small piece of water.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • bigger than a molecule of oil
    • composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.
    • similar to a molecule of oil.
    • a very small piece of water.

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