Who is Captain Beatty and what is his role in the story?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • Captain Beatty is Montag’s boss. He represents the oppressive government control of knowledge and information
  • Captain Beatty is a spy statesman. He represents the oppressive government control of knowledge and information
  • Captain Beatty is Montag’s friend. He represents the oppressive office worker who secretly spies on such people as Montag and controls all sorts of knowledge and information.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • Captain Beatty is Montag’s boss. He represents the oppressive government control of knowledge and information
    • Captain Beatty is a spy statesman. He represents the oppressive government control of knowledge and information
    • Captain Beatty is Montag’s friend. He represents the oppressive office worker who secretly spies on such people as Montag and controls all sorts of knowledge and information.

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