Read the paragraph and complete the gap with the correct sentence.What comes to mind when you think of a family holidays? A seaside trip? A cruise? Not for Amelia Hempleman-Adams!As a daughter of a famous British explorer, Amelia’s family holidays have never been ordinary. Since the age of seven, she has been travelling all over the world. _________________ . But even these extreme family trips couldn’t prepare her for an adventure that would take her to the frozen landscapes of Antarctica. Her destination? The South Pole?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • However, after 14 days in this extreme environment, on 9th December, the group reached their destination.
  • In November 2011, Amelia and her father, David, began their journey.
  • However, she couldn’t get used to the harsh condition.
  • When she was seven, she travelled all the way across the US in a caravan and aged nine she climbed Mount Fuji in Japan,
  • Even there the temperature only dropped to -27°C!

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • However, after 14 days in this extreme environment, on 9th December, the group reached their destination.
    • In November 2011, Amelia and her father, David, began their journey.
    • However, she couldn’t get used to the harsh condition.
    • When she was seven, she travelled all the way across the US in a caravan and aged nine she climbed Mount Fuji in Japan,
    • Even there the temperature only dropped to -27°C!

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