Over the next few years, the theory that classical music makes babies smarter was repeated countless times in newspapers, magazines, and books: 3___________. In the US, the state government of Georgia sent classical music €Ds to all parents of newborns in the state.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • a A few journalists noticed this interesting science story but it wasn't widely reported in the media.
  • b So the story became familiar to people in dozens of countries.
  • c It hardly matters that such a failure calls into question the reliability of the original results with the college students.
  • d In this second study, the results were even more impressive.
  • e Down in Florida, state-funded day care centres for children were obliged to play classical music every day.
  • fChildren who learn to play a musical instrument have better spatial reasoning skills than those who don't take music lessons,maybe because music and spatialreasoning are processed by similar brain systems.
  • g For obvious reasons, sellers of classical music for children also encouraged the belief every chance they got.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • a A few journalists noticed this interesting science story but it wasn't widely reported in the media.
    • b So the story became familiar to people in dozens of countries.
    • c It hardly matters that such a failure calls into question the reliability of the original results with the college students.
    • d In this second study, the results were even more impressive.
    • e Down in Florida, state-funded day care centres for children were obliged to play classical music every day.
    • fChildren who learn to play a musical instrument have better spatial reasoning skills than those who don't take music lessons,maybe because music and spatialreasoning are processed by similar brain systems.
    • g For obvious reasons, sellers of classical music for children also encouraged the belief every chance they got.

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