Read the text below, from which four sentences are missing. Complete the gaps with appropriate sentences Some people believe that targeting children this young is dangerous. 3) ……. They also believe that using mobile phones could damage the health of very young children.

Варіанти відповідей:
  • It doesn’t even have a screen.
  • Buying a mobile for their children at this age could cost parents more than just money.
  • They developed a mobile phone for 4 year olds.
  • It allows them to contact their children without worrying about the other dangers that come with mobile phones.
  • They say that it is just a way of getting them hooked on technology at an early age.

Натисни на цю кнопку щоб побачити правильну відповідь

    • It doesn’t even have a screen.
    • Buying a mobile for their children at this age could cost parents more than just money.
    • They developed a mobile phone for 4 year olds.
    • It allows them to contact their children without worrying about the other dangers that come with mobile phones.
    • They say that it is just a way of getting them hooked on technology at an early age.

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