Read the text below about visiting the doctor and decide if the statements 7 - 12 are TRUE or FALSE.DOCTOR, DOCTOR...Did you know that we forget about 80% of the medical information a doctor might give us? This interesting finding came to light as a result of a study carried out by Utrecht University. What is even more interesting is that almost half of what we think we remember is wrong.Why do you think this happens? Well, going to the doctor can make most people nervous, and when we are stressed we are more likely to concentrate on the diagnosis rather than on the treatment. Therefore, we know what is wrong with us but have no idea what to do about it.Here are some good tips to keep in mind when seeing a doctor. Always bring along a notepad to write down important pieces of Information, such as how to take prescribed medication or how to prepare for any medical tests you might need.What would be even better is if your doctor agreed to let you record him. In this way, you could replay his advice at home, where you are more likely to be able to understand it. If you believe the situation is serious or you're really worried, get a family member or a close friend to come with you to listen In.Regardless of what you choose to do, there is one golden rule which you need to take into account. To communicate effectively, you need to ask the right questions. The Partnership for Clear Health Communication (PCHC) recommends you ask three questions every time you talk to a medical professional: ‘What is my main problem?’, ‘What do I need to do?’ and ‘Why is it important for me to do this?’ These will help you identify the problem and deal with it in a rational way. If patients feel nervous, it is likely they will forget the diagnosis.

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