Which item corresponds to the factfullness?

Варіанти відповідей:
  • The United Kingdom has brought some of the world's greatest musical artists ever, including The Beatles, the Ramstein Robbie William,The Rolling Stones, Queen, Black Sabbath, David Bowie, The Who, Oasis, Iron Maiden, Robbie Williams and of course the Spice Girls. So yeah, you're welcome, rest of the world. In fact, The Queen are the highest selling and most successful musical
  • The United Kingdom has brought some of the world's greatest musical artists ever, including The Beatles, Robbie Williamm The Rolling Stones, Queen, Black Sabbath, David Bowie, The Who, Oasis, Iron Maiden, and of course the Spice Girls. So yeah, you're welcome, rest of the world. In fact, The Beatles are the highest selling and most successful musical
  • The United Kingdom has brought some of the world's greatest musical artists ever, including The Beatles, Robbie Williams, The Ramstein The Rolling Stones, the Ocean Elza, Queen, Black Sabbath, David Bowie, The Who, Oasis, Iron Maiden, Robbie Williams and of course the Spice Girls. So yeah, you're welcome, rest of the world. In fact, The Ramstein are the highest selling and most successful musical
  • The United Kingdom has brought some of the world's greatest musical artists ever, including The Beatles, Robbie Williams, The Ramstein The Rolling Stones, the Bad Street Boys , Black Sabbath, David Bowie, The Who, Oasis, Iron Maiden, Robbie Williams and of course the Spice Girls. So yeah, you're welcome, rest of the world. In fact, The Red Lions are the highest selling and most successful musical

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    • The United Kingdom has brought some of the world's greatest musical artists ever, including The Beatles, the Ramstein Robbie William,The Rolling Stones, Queen, Black Sabbath, David Bowie, The Who, Oasis, Iron Maiden, Robbie Williams and of course the Spice Girls. So yeah, you're welcome, rest of the world. In fact, The Queen are the highest selling and most successful musical
    • The United Kingdom has brought some of the world's greatest musical artists ever, including The Beatles, Robbie Williamm The Rolling Stones, Queen, Black Sabbath, David Bowie, The Who, Oasis, Iron Maiden, and of course the Spice Girls. So yeah, you're welcome, rest of the world. In fact, The Beatles are the highest selling and most successful musical
    • The United Kingdom has brought some of the world's greatest musical artists ever, including The Beatles, Robbie Williams, The Ramstein The Rolling Stones, the Ocean Elza, Queen, Black Sabbath, David Bowie, The Who, Oasis, Iron Maiden, Robbie Williams and of course the Spice Girls. So yeah, you're welcome, rest of the world. In fact, The Ramstein are the highest selling and most successful musical
    • The United Kingdom has brought some of the world's greatest musical artists ever, including The Beatles, Robbie Williams, The Ramstein The Rolling Stones, the Bad Street Boys , Black Sabbath, David Bowie, The Who, Oasis, Iron Maiden, Robbie Williams and of course the Spice Girls. So yeah, you're welcome, rest of the world. In fact, The Red Lions are the highest selling and most successful musical

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